Category: Interviews


Erico Porchat on his Boft franchise in Chile

Erico Porchat, our Chilean franchise partner, has always been interested in the photo printing business. His passion for photo printing coupled with high-quality Boft machines proved to be a strong alliance: Chilean network is among the strongest of the 28 markets in the Boft network.

Within one year, Erico increased the number of machines in Chile from 2 to 16. In this interview he shares his insights from operating with Boft and doing business in Latin America.


Boft: Business with Philosophy

Boft Global executives shared in an interview how to create a business that sells itself, bring the philosophy of photo printing back and find time for personal life.

Prepared in cooperation with Graduate School of Management SPbU  —  leading business school in Russia and Eastern Europe.


Mark Mayer: Bringing Instant Photo Printing to Hong Kong and Singapore

Mark Mayer was one of our first franchise partners in Russia. Extremely passionate about Boft and its business, Mark has implemented dozens of marketing campaigns, secured lots of spots for machines and ended up building a large Boft network in Asia. Mark now runs Boft machines in Hong Kong and Singapore.

We talked with Mark about his experience of negotiating best locations for photo printing machines, peculiarities of doing business in Asia and his plans for future.